stand out from the crowd

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But Darling, we weren't given this Wild Soul just to merely exist. Our mission is to shake up the world, turn it upside down and show our fellow human the difference between breathing and being fully alive.
Motivational Monday #7: Daring, Different, Impractical
Motivational Monday #7: Daring, Different, Impractical
Alo Yoga | Yoga leggings,clothes, and accessories for studio to street
#yoga #yogainspiration
Words for my daughter... Teaching her to be herself and the right people will come along and appreciate what she has to offer.
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Social - quote. I think that this quote really describes my social life, because recently, I've been very selective about who I surround myself with. Certain people don't make me feel too good about myself, so I choose not to be around them. I am not antisocial, I'm just selective about who I surround myself with.
to be strange. to do things differently than others. to see things in a rare light.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world (but be transformed by the renewing of your mind). Romans 12:2