Scripture/Lessons to live by

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When You Feel Like God Isn't There for You…
When You Feel Like God Isn't There For You - Brittney Moses
Grumbly or Grateful?
Today, life’s circumstances will offer you a choice: Will you be grumbly or grateful? This 5-Minute Devotion will help you decide: Hungry for God: Grumbly or Grateful?
When you find yourself in the position to help someone be happy until left because God is answering prayer and you're real
Faith for Healing - A Juggling Mom
Here you can access all of Sid's personalized "Verse of the Week" selections to grow your faith and experience the supernatural of God. Description from I searched for this on
Arthritis: Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis
Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. #motivation
When you get tired of it all, God’s there
this is highlighted in my bible... the one my momma gifted me <3 Miss her every day. So glad she highlighted verses she wanted me to remember from her and for God. It's like she's still here sometimes <3
Index of
Heart Quotes, Hanging Hearts, Bible quote, Strength quote.
Bible Verse of the Day
When you do things according to your intuition/inner voice/soul..difficult seems easy.. discomfort feels like fun and adventure.. a lot is done but it feels like you did nothing...and it feels like the whole world is trying to support you, circumstances are created that guide you and make you do things that are perfect for you...
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I am the Lord your God
A Trophy For Everyone?
Don't miss this important (but very short) Bible study about eternal rewards and losses. It's not a subject we talk about often, but Jesus did!
Prayer is intended to be your first prority, not your last resort.