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SUBURBIA TOWER | Aaron Bermann Suburbia Tower, New York, NY Columbia University | Spring, 2012 ADV. STUDIO VI | Manaugh / Twilley In between private rental periods, the detachable units of Mobile Suburbia are housed in a large vertical docking...
Galeria de Projeto brasileiro recebe menção honrosa no Concurso ''Pensar la Vivenda, Vivir la Ciudad'' - 10
Projeto brasileiro recebe menção honrosa no Concurso ''Pensar la Vivenda, Vivir la Ciudad'',Diagrama Edifício. Image Cortesia de Luca De Rossi Fischer
Folding Walls - PK-30 System
Folding Glass Wall System | Folding Walls | BiFolding Doors | Aluminum Bi Fold Doors | Folding Stacking Wall Doors
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