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Sea Creatures, 3 - Dusky's Wonders
Sea Jewels. Sea Creatures, Dusky's Wonders. www.duskyswondersite.com I'm glad to share with you some discoveries about our planet, its inhabitants and the universe that I have found to be awesome, funny, or just plain weird. Did you know that spending time feeling appreciation or amusement is good for us? The more we purposely tune into moments of positive experience, the easier it becomes to notice them because we have literally made changes to our brain circuitry.
Betta Splendens on Instagram: “Nemo Freshwater.. . #bettacoholic #aquariumfish #siamesefightingfish #bettas #bettasplendens #bettafishworld #bettafinstagram…”
Sea Jewels
underthevastblueseas: Eastern Blue Devil - Paraplesiops bleekeri // via
Sea Butterfly
The Red Gurnard (Chelidonichthys spinosus)is one of 100 different species of Sea Robins, or Gurnards. These fantastic fish are normally found on the sea floor at depths of around 660 ft..
Guineafowl Pufferfish