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"I don’t care how secure you think your organization is,I’ll #socialengineer my way inside in less than 24 hours regardless of the sophistication of your #IoT microcosm #Security..."-James Scott
"I don’t care how secure you think your organization is,I’ll #socialengineer my way inside in less than 24 hours regardless of the sophistication of your #IoT microcosm #Security..."-James Scott,Senior Fellow, ICIT, CCIOS and CSWS #humanhacker #SocialEngineering #socialhacking #security #IoT #IIoT #IoE #Hacking
agestop the best anti aging face cream moisturizer mask concentrate
Discover Anti-aging products today online at Age Stop Switzerland. #antiageing #beautycare #health #life #botox #agestopswitzerland #skincare #facelift #snowalgae
"The #illusion of #time and #space that has been introduced by those who want to commodities and monetize on the time and space of others"-James Scott,Senior Fellow, ICIT, CCIOS and CSWS
"The #illusion of #time and #space that has been introduced by those who want to commodities and monetize on the time and space of others"-James Scott,Senior Fellow, ICIT, CCIOS and CSWS #illustrationart #psyops #CyberWarfare #PoliticalCorrectness #politicalwarfare #informationtechnology
agestop the best anti aging face cream moisturizer mask concentrate
Discover Anti-aging products today online at Age Stop Switzerland. #antiaging #beautycare #agestopswitzerland #health #life #botox #antiageing #skincare #antiwrinkle #moisturizer