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If you have hooded or mature eyes…keep reading👀🤓👇🏼👇🏼 ‼️Did you know one of the most common eyeshadow mistakes is👇🏼👇🏼 👀-applying your eyeshadow in a rainbow motion and while applying it letting your hand naturally apply the color lower on the eye. This gives the appearance of a more droopy eye. 💡Don’t worry! Here’s my solution👇🏼👇🏼 💄Take a triangle puff, tweezers, credit card, tape etc and hold at an upward angle from the corner of your eye & angled toward your brow tail. Apply your eyesha...
Dazzle with a touch of magic in your Eyeshadow Look, just like @angelika.ismailova! ✨💄
Dazzle with a touch of magic in your Eyeshadow Look, just like @angelika.ismailova! ✨💄 . . . #eyeshadowtutorial #eyeshadowlooks #naturalmakeup #everydaymakeup #softmakeup #makeuptransformation #makeuptutorial #holidaymakeup #eyeshadow #makeuproutine #beauty #makeup #greenmakeup #makeupideas #makeuplook #editorial #bethbenderbeauty #eyemakeup #holidaymakeup #blacksmokeyeye #smokeyeye
Прекрасный макияж в темных оттенках 🖤
Прекрасный макияж в темных оттенках 🖤 Макияж на каждый день
Someone had to say it🫣Black eyeliner isn’t something you have to stop wearing as you age…. AND…… ‼️It’s not about having to give up the makeup looks you love as you age, it’s just tweaking placement a little‼️ SAVE THIS & FOLLOW ME for makeup tips made for women with maturing skin. I make makeup fun again💄 PSA: It’s not that black eyeliner is bad🚫it’s that overlining the eyes as we age can cause our already aging eyes to look a lot more heavier and droopy. Instead applying black (or brown...