Hello beatiful spring

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handmade heart wreath - make your own fabric hearts from scraps or use bought hearts and sew together to make this pretty wreath
!Lindas peças! I don't know what this says but I'd fill it with rice or something I could heat in the microwave to help keep my drink hot.
tuesday inspiration - bluebird chic
Rebecca does it again... love this! A beautiful use for all those scraps. Link is suspicious but judging by the photo, this is raw edge applique with different stitch ideas for attaching each leaf - lovely!
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Christmas Decoration Bright Buttony Hanging Heart by SnowFish, £8.90
Make a Simple Hanging Heart
paper and fabric heart...would love to find and old Jane Erye book at the thrift store and use that!!!!! <3
DIY-Tutorial Voorjaars krans van stof...Spring wreath of fabric scraps...
Zelf maken silly old suitcase: DIY-Tutorial Voorjaars krans van stof...Spring wreath of fabric scraps...
Beach Wreath Mother's Day Wreath Felt Flowers Shabby Chic Wreath Felt Flower Wreath Spring Wreath Paisley Wreath Fabric Wreath - Etsy
Winter Wreath - Modern Wreath Wrapped in Blue & Cream Patterned fabric with Felt Flowers. Beach Wreath - Felt Flower Wreath - Spring Wreath on Etsy, $42.00